Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The United Farm Workers

Some young and old people show how important is to be together in order to fight for their rights. They are also carrying a flag that represent their dreams.

The United Farm Workers is planning to involve young people from college in a project called “Fair Harvest Meals.” After their participation, these youth could share their experiences to 25,000 people through social media networks. Involving young people in this project, they will be exposed to the fact that California has stronger laws protecting farm animals than farm workers. According to the United Farm Workers, “The sharing of food transcends all difference between people.” The involved youth are planning to host the meals, and the farm workers will bring the fruits and vegetables of their labor. Consequently, students will connect the 50-year history of struggle and success of farm workers to thousands using the media. The Fair Harvest Meal Project will take place in Fresno, California, where on September 30, 1962, the first convention of the National Farm Workers Association (UFW) convened with hundreds of delegates assembled in an abandoned movie theater. The group’s distinctive flag, a black eagle symbol on a white circle in a red field, is unveiled.
It is very interesting to know how the National Farm Workers Association is looking for the support of young people. I think that the only way to change the injustice in any aspect of life is fighting together with teenagers. They are our future, and the change is on their hands. Furthermore, young people do not mention farm workers in any discussion that they have about food. For this reason, it is very important that all youth discover that behind eating healthy, there are many people who are exploited- farm workers are exposed to the harmful pesticides and low payments.

1 comment:

  1. Maria,

    I think it is interesting and great how the National Farm Workers Association is getting my young people involved in this matter. It is important for the youths of the future to discover how the people who are the farm workers are exposed to the harmful pesticides and low pay!

    Sheila S
